888-SANDSVE (888-726-3783)

About SandSave

Sand Traps – A ubiquitous feature of golf course design but costly to maintain. 

Sand Trap Drainage SolutionTypically, sand trap drainage systems rely on the passive flow of water through sand and filter media or concrete based substrate into a French drain and out to a sump or stream. These systems are costly to install and while they work for some period, over time dirt, fines, dust etc. ultimately make their way into the passive drain system that will eventually clog. This requires a costly and time-consuming repair, usually necessitating the complete removal and redo of the original system.

Our research into this problem has led to the development of an active system for water removal after a heavy rain.

The unique design of the patented SandSave system allows an actual physical drain to raise and lower from below the sand. The SandSave creates a direct route to the existing drainage piping, eliminating the need for water to slowly percolate through the filter media. SandSave is designed to be powered pneumatically, with air, from the compact SandSave Mobile Controller (SMC) through a quick disconnect coupling.

The SandSave active drain system is easy to install and maintenance free. No outside contractors are needed for system installation and in most cases a single SandSave device tied into the existing French drain will provide enough drainage for all but the largest traps.

Contact us directly for pricing at 888-SANDSVE (888-726-3783) or go to our Request a Quote page.

Don’t get trapped by standing water!