888-SANDSVE (888-726-3783)

Inspiration for SandSave

We're excited about SandSave because the golf industry has never seen a technology like ours to solve the problem of flooded sand traps. We feel it will literally spawn a change in sand trap construction and maintenance going forward. 

I invented SandSave because I was Treasurer of my golf club in Greensburg, PA and learned quickly how expensive sand trap maintenance and repair can be. We were an 18-hole workingman’s club that struggled to manage costs in order to maintain our membership, so we never confronted the repair and/or renovation of traps because it seemed beyond our reach financially.

That's why I believe SandSave has great appeal to superintendents, who must continually balance a great experience for their clients with cost. 

Golf is a unique business. Yes, it's a sport but more so, it's an experience and a social activity. Golfers always believe they're a little better than their score and are quick to blame a course if bad conditions affect their round. We believe club management would rather hear, Great course, I just wish I would have played better, than I had a good round going until I hit it into that flooded bunker on number six. I lost focus and the rest of my round stunk.  Regardless of how deep a club’s pockets are, there is always a bottom line that drives decisions on maintenance and replacement. SandSave is the solution. 

Our product SandSave, was awarded a patent on January 9th of this year so pardon our excitement but it is the ‘real deal’. When you think about how much work goes into the construction of a sand trap, 90% of which is for drainage, and you know even the best designed traps fail to drain over time, you can understand why we feel SandSave is the answer.  A sand trap with SandSave is no longer a failed engineering project, it's a functioning sand trap with a SandSave drain to flow water out of an existing or new drain, then close when not needed -- literally out of sight and out of play.

Although we are a newer company, we have several installs that are working flawlessly. We would be happy to put you in touch with the owners and superintendents involved to see how easy and effective a SandSave system is to install and operate. Today, a SandSave system can be purchased for less than the price of a few sprinkler heads and SandSave can be installed in less than a day with your own your crew, no need to hire outside contractors.

Bob Tunno, Managing Partner SandSave LLC