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A Golfer’s No. 1 Complaint

Golfer Number 1 ComplaintWhat do golfers complain about most?

According to a poll in the July 23, 2024 issue of Golf Course Magazine 51 percent of golfer’s complaints are about the condition of sand traps.  Green speeds, the next highest complaint, was raised by 31 per cent of the respondents.  Not even a close second to sand traps.

What is your course losing in revenue every day because of poorly draining sand traps? Said another way, how much revenue is being foregone in daily fee pricing power because the condition of your course limits what can be charged either in daily fees or annual dues?

How much control does your course have over green fees? (Some? None?).  Probably very little since increases in green fees carry the risk of lost rounds/revenue.

How many rounds are lost due to course conditions? Tough question but what if you could eliminate the biggest problem at minimal cost – the flooded bunker as we stated represents more than 50% of complaints?

What if you could simply drain a bunker by flipping a few switches? What happens?

I/2 of your course complaints go away.

Your sand traps are free of water, one of if not the biggest course headaches is gone forever and you will realize more rounds and more pricing power.

Request a Quote to see what a SandSave drainage system will cost for your course.